Parker Neem Tonic Organic Insecticide 1000ml Neem Oil

Parker Neem Tonic Organic Insecticide 1000ml Neem Oil

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Parker Neem Tonic is a broad spectrum organic insecticide that effectively controls all difficult to kills insect pest such as diamond back moth, thrips, aphids, mites, leafminers, white flies, scale insects and many others The highly effective adhesion of parker neem tonic spray on leaves and fruits of plants give total protection against fungal diseases including black spot, mildews, rusts, scab, etc.

Directions for Use

-Use suitable sprayer. Keep Sprayer Agitated

-Thoroughly spray infested plant surfaces including undersides of leaves

-repeat application as needed at 7 day intervals

-use spray solution within 8 hours for maximum effectives. Do not store diluted spray solution for later use.

Do not add other chemicals to Parker  Neem Tonic Solutions

Do not apply to wilted stressed or newly transplanted plants prior to root development.






White Flies

Foliar Spray

200ml/10LIters of Water


Scale Insect (Adult & Nymph)

Scale Insect (Adult & Crawler)

Scale Insect (Nymph)

Scale Insect (Adult, Nymph & Crawler)

Foliar Spray

Trunk Injection

Truck Injection


400ml/16 Liters of Water

20ml/10ml of water

10ml/10ml of Water

60ml/ 4Liters of Water


Green Leafhopper

Brown Plant Hopper

Foliar Spray

Foliar Spray

10-25ml/LIter of Water

10-25ml/ Liter of Water



Foliar Spray

20ml/ LIter of Water



Foliar Spray

5-10ml/ LIter of Water

Pre-Harvest Interval

Safe to harvest right after the application. Wash the harvest before it continous.


Use Spray solutions within 8hours of MIxiing for maximum effectiveness

Do not store diluted spray solution for later use

Do not add chemicals to Parker Neem Tonic Solutions

Do not apply to wilted, stressed , or newly transplanted plants prior to root development.

Shale Well before using. Store in a cool dark place away from sunlight.

Minimize Direct exposure wearing eye protections, long pants, long sleeved shirt and a hat that can be washed after each use. Avoid contact with eyes.

Keep out of reach of Children.

Do not use in food handling areas.