A broad spectrum carbamate insecticide with stron contact and stomach action for the control of certain insect pests of asparagus, banana, beans, corn, sorghum, eggplant, melons, mungbeans, rice, string beans, soybean, tobacco and tomato.
Direction for use: Dupont Lannate is registered for use on the following crops and pests only using the recommended dosage rates.
Do not use for Mango
Crop |
Insect Pests |
Use Rate (gram product/16L) |
Number measuring scoop per tankload 16L |
Last Application to harvest days |
Asparagus |
Armyworm, Cutworm |
20-25 |
1-1 |
1 |
Banana |
Thrips |
35-45 |
1.5-2 |
0 |
Beans/ Mungbeans/ Soybean/ Stringbeans |
Leaffolder, Flea Beetle, Bean Fly, Podborer, Aphids |
20-35 |
1-2 |
3 |
Corn/Sorghum |
Corn Borer, Earworm |
20-35 |
1-2 |
14 |
Eggplant |
Aphids, Flea Beetle, fruitworm, lady beetle |
20-35 |
1-2 |
1 |
Melons |
Aphids, Squash, Beetle, Leaffolder |
20-35 |
1-2 |
1 |
Rice |
Green Leafhopper, Armyworm, Caseworm, Leaffolder |
20-35 |
1-2 |
3 |
Tobacco |
Budworm, Cutworm, Aphids, Hornworm |
20-35 |
1-2 |
Flue-cured-5 Air Dried-14 |
Tomato |
Tomato Fruitworm, Aphids |
20-35 |
1-2 |
1 |
1tbsp= 10g
Note: Apply maximum of 2 sprays of DuPont Lannate applied back-toback in any one crop cycle, targeted at a single pest generation and then alternate with other products belonging to a different insecticide chemistry and registered for the same pest and crop.
Active Ingredient:
Methomyl 400g/kg
Inert Ingredients 600g/kg