Broad Spectrum Insecticide to control major pests of cereals and other field crops.
Diazol 40 EC contains 400 grams diazinon per liter. Active material acts as a contact and stomach poison.
Direction for Use
Crops |
Insect Pests |
TBSP/ 16L water |
Rice |
Planthopper, rice bug stemborer, leafolder, whorl maggot |
3.5-5.5 |
Corn |
Corn borer, earworm, aphids, silk beetle |
3.5-5.5 |
Beans |
Cutworm, podborer, aphids, flea beetle |
4.0-9.0 |
Cowpea |
Aphids, Cutworm, grasshopper |
3.5-5.5 |
Soybeans |
Cutworms, aphids,astinkbug, grasshopper |
3.5-5.5 |
Pineapple |
Mealybug |
3.5-5.5 |
Cotton |
Katylid, grasshopper, cutworm, mites |
3.5-5.5 |
Tobacco |
Budworms, aphids, armyworm, flea beetle |
3.5-5.5 |
White Potato |
Aphids, Leaffolder, cutworm |
4.5-9.0 |
Citrus |
Mites, Aphids, Stinkbug |
9.0-12.0 |
Banana |
Thrips, mealybugs, leaf roller |
3.5-5.5 |
1tbsp= 10ml
Compatiblity: Diazol 40 EC is compatible with most pesticides except copper compounds.
Re-Entry Period: Do not enter treated field for at least 1 days after application
Pre-Harvest Interval: 14 days
Storage and Disposal: Product should be stored in their original container in cool and dry place away from living quarters, animal feeds, foodstuffs and drinking water. Keep product away from sources of heat, spark and flame. Empty containers must be crushed and disposed together with leftover mixtures in lime pits away from water sources.
Active Ingredient:
0-0 diethyl-0-(2-isopropyl-6-methyl-pyramiden-4-yl) phosphorothioate (Diazinon) 400g/L
Inert Ingredients:
Emulsifiers and stabilizer 60g/L
Solvent Xylene 540g/L