Insecticide for use against leafhoppers in mango:
Chess 50WG is an insecticide with a mode of action that stops the insect from feeding to starvation and death.
Direction for USE
Chess 50WG is recommended as a diluted foliar spray at the following rate:
Crop |
Pest |
No of Sachets per 200L |
Mango |
Mango Leafhopper |
1 |
1 Sachet=80g product
Frequency and Timing of Application: Begin application at bud emergence until the start of fruit setting. Apply at one to two weeks interval depending on the population of leafhoppers.
Re-entry period: Do not enter treated fields until spray deposits have completely dried.
Ph: No PHI proposed as the product will be applied at least 20 to 40 days before harvest.
Active Ingredient
Pymetrozine 500g/kg
Inert Ingredients:
Wetting and dispersing agents 152g/kg
Antifoaming agents
Carriers: max338